Monday, February 27, 2012

Suse & Ross in Bloom

Two of my favourite people got married over the weekend! They are one of those couples that are just so special - two incredible people who are  are amazing individuals that also happen to be even better as a pair. It's such a rare thing, and in the 11 years or so that I've known them, I haven't met many like them.

So of course it was the wedding of the year!

I was way too busy running around, drinking champagne and daggy dancing (ok, that's my real dancing, shhhh) to actually take many good photos of the blooms, but luckily Emma D was on hand to snap some memories.

Purple was a perfect touch in the vineyard setting, with beautiful lavender table decorations (I also loved the huge plates), and both the bride's and maids' bouquets were super cute. 10 out of 10!

Congratulations guys! 

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