Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Flower Girl NYC in Bloom

Now we are gettin' somewhere! After a couple of months wandering the mean streets of New York, I feel like I have found my place. 

It's in a tiny little flower shop, in the back of a designer denim store, on a corner where the Lower East Side starts to flirt with Chinatown, in downtown Manhattan. 

Flower Girl NYC is probably the cutest shop I have ever seen in my life, and those of you who know me (which let's face it is everyone who could be bothered reading this dribble) know I've been to a shop or two. 

In this tiny, antique dream of a workspace, they create pieces of floral design that are whimsical, organic, stylish and enchanting. This is not the place to go if you want three calla lilies in a vase of black pebbles, but who does really?

So I couldn't believe my luck when the girls in the store agreed to give me an internship. Basically, I am working like I don't need the money (which is not true at all, but any hoo) and it is devine. I feel as happy as Romy and Michele at the end of High School Reunion when they fold scarves in their own store. Bliss.

We're in here! On the corner of Orchard and Broome.

Can you see us? Right in the back.

Every week we work with a different colour, today we're green and white.

Awesome, right?

Come on, you know you want to!

 The circle of (plant) life.

You can also get your arrangement in one of these vintage tins! 

If you are in town, stop by, it really is worth it (and we are only a few doors from Babycakes anyway, so you'll be in the area). Or, if you need flowers for someone in NYC, you know what to do! (Email us.)

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