Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Bloom

So my Christmas ideas were thrown into turmoil by a new set of blue Moroccan style plates. Probably for the best, as the Prahran market was a bit short on foliage, and you can't go to the Melbourne Flower Markets unless you are a pro. I ended up with beautiful deep pink Calla Lilies, roses and lilies, and white and lilac hydrangeas

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Inspiration Blooming

I have been feeling a bit out of sorts this week, is it the crappy weather? I have been searching for inspiration, and just in the nick of time I found this:

Holy Shitballs! I have never seen anything like this! Look at those blue 'mums. Are they serious? This is an art instillation by a Melbourne florist , Wunderplant which is around the corner from my Melbourne hood. I expect to be peeking in the window there next week, please don't be scared! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Ideas Blooming

I have LOTS of ideas for a floral Christmas this year. I'm thinking wild green foliage, like asparagus ferns and white bulbous flowers like roses with some hydrangeas thrown in. Unfortunately, the Christmas table is in Melbourne, and I will be in Sydney til Friday night, and I have heard that decoration has already begun without me! Hopefully I will be able to get some of my ideas in on Saturday. Until then, I have to satisfy myself with internet inspiration, including this great feature done by Saskia Havekes of Grandiflora for Inside Out magazine last year.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Mulberry in bloom

Hydrangeas remind me of my Grandma, she liked them best in blue. I could say the same for these Mulberry boots. The hydrangeas I'd take in every colour!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gucci in bloom

Oh Bougainvillea!

Christmas in Bloom

I'm not feeling very Christmasy this year, but these little pressie for some of my buddies gave me a small, if unsustained, jolt of festive. They are for my friends who live on my street, so I went around and stole street flowers for the arrangements. That's ok right?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Flower school in bloom

I'm not super keen on all my flower school arrangements, especially the ones for Chinese funerals, but these are ok in my book.