Thursday, May 31, 2012

The West Village is in Bloom

New York City is blooming amazing! It's warm and humid and everything is growing like crazy. Welcome to the West Village:

Blossoms are still around!

Even the drycleaners have blooms!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Becasse in Bloom

The name degustation should be warning enough - you will end the meal feeling, and most probably looking, disgusting. The only thing that's light about a Becasse degustion is your wallet after you've parted with $175 (Sydney!) and these pretty flowers.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Britt in Bloom Part 1

For my little sister's 20th birthday dinner, I wanted to do something that wasn't too pretty and feminine. She is really into dark greens, browns, wood and red at the moment, a bit of a Ralph Lauren 70s vibe.

Unfortunately, the day after Mother's Day it's hard to find anything other than white chrysanthemums.

So I went with this pink and green palate. I tried to ground the sweet pink roses with the lime green chrysanthemums, and added some magnolia leaves for a bit of brown. I used the dark pink tulips more for their leaves, although as the flowers have opened the darker pink is adding a new visual element which I'm really enjoying.

The great photos are thanks to the birthday girl herself, love you! xx

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pink in bloom

My little baby friend, Sara, turned one today. Yesterday she had a rad party. She's not a huge pinky girl, in fact she for her party outfit she was rocking a pair of leopard leggings with a faux fur vest. But I struggled to get past pink with her blooms, as there wasn't much around (and I was too lazy to hit the flower markets). Forgive me, baby?